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Daily Bonfire

Live Trivia App

The Problem

It’s notoriously difficult to market your business within the cannabis industry. This makes selling new brands and customer acquisition more challenging. The Daily Bonfire was a new and innovative approach to marketing dispensaries and brands by combining cannabis games with cash prizes and rewards. It was the first live cannabis gaming app to be developed.

The Goal

The goal of the new Daily Bonfire mobile app was to bring consumers a wealth of resources right at their fingertips. The app included licensed cannabis and CBD retailers nationwide, the ability to engage with top
brands, and to attract new consumers by testing their cannabis IQ with live trivia games.

The Process

Over the course of a year and a half, Daily Bonfire became a go-to live trivia app used by cannabis consumers around the globe. We began development of the app through a process of research and discovery. We held online focus groups with our HelloMD community, talked with cannabis influencers, conducted an in-depth competitive analysis, and began the process of iterative design while setting up an infrastructure to stream live video content to the app.

The live trivia portion was hosted by three different comedians and was held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Our large influencer network helped us to market to new consumers effectively and our community quickly grew to tens of thousands of viewers.


Wireframes & Details

The home screen always contains the schedule for the next upcoming trivia game as well as the cash and rewards available.
Upon entering the trivia game, users could interact with one another. A live countdown announces when the game is about to begin.
One of the show’s comedians appear while the audience awaits the start of the game. During this time, the host talks about the theme of the day as well as promoting new brands and dispensaries.
The trivia game always contained 12 questions and each question was to be answered within a specific time frame. A user could get up to 3 incorrect answers before being eliminated.
Before the winners are announced, the audience can select how much of the jackpot is to go to charity. The charities include organizations dedicated to ending the War on Drugs.
At the end, trivia players are announced and awarded a split of the jackpot, as well as rewards.
Users are able to win prizes and that week’s prizes and rewards are always listed.
Users can search for nearby dispensaries and then see selected cannabis products advertised within those dispensaries.